Sustainability report berpedoman GRI di PT Adis Dimension Footwear adalah sebuah laporan yang memberikan gambaran menyeluruh tentang upaya perusahaan dalam mencapai keberlanjutan. Laporan ini telah diunggah di website perusahaan untuk memberikan transparansi kepada pemangku kepentingan tentang dampak sosial, lingkungan, dan keselamatan serta kesehatan dari kegiatan operasional perusahaan. Dengan mengacu pada pedoman GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), …


PT Adis Dimension Footwear Sustainability Report, hereinafter referred to “Report”, contains data and information that is material to stakeholders. In general, the contents of the Report are derived from internal analysis as well as document sources and sources can be trusted. The term “PT Adis” is used in The report emphasizes PT Adis Dimension Footwear. …

ADIS Sustainability GRI Report 2021

Welcome to the 2021 Annual Report of PT Adis Dimension Footwear. The main objective of the preparation of this Annual Report is to improve the transparency of the Company’s information to the relevant authorities and become an annual book that builds pride and solidarity. PT Adis Dimension Footwear Annual Report of 2021 to be comprehensive …

ADIS Sustainability GRI Report 2020

PT Adis Dimension Footwear (PT Adis) is one of shoes manufacturing which is located in Jl. Raya Serang Km. 24, Balaraja-Tangerang. PT Adis started producing shoes in March 1990 with a total of 1200 employees. The production will be exported to destination countries based on orders. The realization of PT Adis to commit in production …


This is the third report after the first report in 2016. Through this report, we present to public about concerning the environmental, social and employment performance of PT Adis Dimension Footwear from January to December 2019. The preparation of this report is intended to present the company’s performance in the period January – December 2019 …

Education Partnership

In 2013, PT. Adis Dimension Footwear start partnership with Universitas Pramita Indonesia (UNPRI) to give educational facilities for employee who want to get their bachelor degree or master degree. The teaching activity of bachelor degree havae been using the Classic room of PT. Adis Dimension Footwear and scheduled in Saturday start 08.00 AM until 03.30 …

Health and Safety (HS) Adis Goes To Campus: First Aid Class at UPH, Karawaci

        Knowledge will grow bigger if it shared. In Tuesday, February 20, 2018 our health and safety officer doing a sharing knowledge at UPH, Karawaci, Tangerang regency. This event conducted in UPH College D building room 503 at 09.00 until 14.00 pm. The sharing knowledge is about First Aid with theme “Know What to Do” …

Mangrove and Vetiver Planting at Patia Village, Pandeglang

      We all, human, have responsibility to conserve environment and organism. Such an important thing for us to treat and handle our earth with care and kindness. As a form of concern to our ecosystem also the economy and environment continuity, PT. Adis Dimension Footwear doing a Mangrove and Vetiver Planting at Desa Patia, Pandeglang. …

Hijau Mangroveku Lestari Alamku

Upaya penyelamatan dan pemeliharaan lingkungan adalah bagian dari Tanggung Jawab Lingkungan Perusahaan (TSLP). Kerusakan alam juga terjadi di Pantai Pulau Cangkir Kecamatan Kronjo Kabupaten Tangerang. Berjarak kurang lebih 25 kilometer dengan jarak tempuh sekitar 45 menit, kita akan mendapati pesisir pantai yang telah terkikis oleh ombak. Kondisi ini mendorong Tim CSR PT Adis Dimension Foootwear …

Get A Pap Smear

PT. Adis Dimension Footwear meyelenggarakan kegiatan Pap Smear sebagai bentuk kepedulian untuk mendeteksi dini kanker leher rahim khusus bagi wanita. Pemeriksaan tes Pap ini dilakukan dengan mengambil contoh sel-sel leher rahim. Dengan tes Pap Smear dapat diketahui adanya infeksi atau sel-sel yang abnormal yang dapat berubah menjadi sel kanker sehingga bisa dilakukan tindakan pencegahan. Tujuan …