Scholarship for Achievement

PT. Adis Dimension Footwear provide scholarships to employee’s children who have achievement in school. Scholarships for employee’s children conducted since 2004 and still take a place regulary every month untill today. PT Adis Dimension Footwear commited to support education activity for the achievement of qualified human resources. Implementation scholarship program is conducted every month by …

Education Partnership

In 2013, PT Adis Dimension Footwear start to join with Pramita Indonesia University (UNPRI) to give education facilitate Bachelor Degree and Magister Degree. Lecturing activities for Bachelor Degree held in Classic Room PT Adis Dimension Footwear in every Saturday starts at 08:00 am till 03:30 pm. Once lecturing in one week consist of at least …

Eid al-Adha and Qurban Distribute

As one of the great days of Islam, PT. ADF routinely participated in celebrating Eid al-Adha. This routine activities carried out by purchasing a sacrificial cow to be cut, weighed, and then distributed to members of the public who deserve it.  

Mass Circumsision

Mass circumcision is a social activity that is routinely carried out by PT. ADF every year in June. The event was organized in conjunction with the school holidays, in collaboration with Balaraja Health Center (Puskesmas), and with official permission from the District Health Office of Tangerang. Mass circumcision ceremony was joined by uncircumsised children around …

Center for Occupational Training (COT)

PT. ADF has provided training for local people around company through Center for Occupational Training Program. This one month training was held at Training Center (originally Learninig Center), and guided by a team of COT. The training conducted with various methods, like presentation, discussion, theory, and practice. The aim of this training is to help …

Adis School

One of our sustainably CSR programme is Adis School. Adis school (originally named Nike School) was an Adis – Nike join establishment, founded on 1999. The objective was to help and contribute to our local sorrounding communities in which they need to complete or upgrade their basic education to lift up their quality of life. …